what does it mean to be canadian? | canada’s 150th
What Does it Mean to be Canadian - eh?
-you apologize for apologizing too much
-you get weird looks from your foreign friends when you rant about how amazing beaver tails taste
-we literally pour maple syrup into snow, wait for it to get sticky, scoop it with a stick and eat it…it’s heaven on earth
-we can kill with our hockey skills (except me because i hate sports and this is a stereotype)
-we live in igloos and ride our pet moose (meese?) through drive throughs and can speak with beavers in fluent french
-we put maple syrup on everything (actually, i seriously doubt this is a stereotype, syrup is life)
-also we have tim hortons and dairy queen and we can’t survive without them (actually i seriously believe a canadian would suffer hangover in a foreign country because of the loss)
-our money smells like maple syrup and is a hardcore plastic waterproof rainbow
-we don’t have to snow blow our own driveway because our neighbour already did it beCAUSE IN CANADA EVERYONE IS POLITE AND KIND AND YOU SHOULD MOVE HERE (also a stereotype, and i don’t have neighbours)
-that it’s always too warm for a winter jacket and too cold for a spring jacket
-we bag our milk, that’s right
-i’m basically positive that we’re all scared of angry geese bc geese are heckin’ terrifying
-you diss our country, you die, because we’re intensely patriotic
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