10 lies girls tell themselves about makeup
warning: these are all things that you should not be attempting at home - it won’t work and you will look like someone threw the joker, sharpay, and miranda sings into a blender and created you

4. i can do this in the car, no problem
5. oops, i don’t have a mirror…oh well, it’ll be fine
6. i’m going to attempt the adele-makeup-look and i’m going to crush it

8. if i open my mouth while i do my mascara it will make everything 10000000000% better
you look like a frog
shall i empty a jar of flies in there while you’re at it?
9. if i just colour in my eyebrows a little bit…a little bit more….more…yeah, there…i’ll be able to do that eyebrow raise that looks killer on all those people but me
it makes you look like a flirting psychopath on the hunt for blood
just no
don’t do it
this has nothing to do with makeup actually
just don’t wiggle the eyebrow at all
10. so i saw this tutorial about how to make your lips look fuller by using lip liner, and i’m gonna do it and it will look good
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