
today I’m doing the Hamiltag! It’s a tag about the Broadway musical Hamilton, which, if you have not heard about before, you need to go and listen to immediately. It’s genius. 

This Hamiltag was created by Grace@The Girl Upstairs, and I was ‘nominated’ by Grace@From the Tip of Grace’s Pen - she is absolutely incredible, y’all should check out her blog right now!!

-Answer the questions left for you
-“Pass Your Legacy” to at least five other HamilFans 
-Use my questions, or leave “10 Duel Commandments” of your own
-Let them know they’ve been nominated

The 10 Duel Commandments:

1.) How did you discover Hamilton?
Ummm, a friend of mine was pinning a whole bucket load of Hamilton stuff on Pinterest, so I looked it up and kinda got addicted from there. But I’ve seen it all over social media, so…

2.) Who is your favourite character?
Angelica Schuyler, hands down. I mean, she’s fiercely loyal, sacrificial, can rap like bam, don’t take any crap, and she’s just a real character. Love her, mmm 💖

3.) What’s your absolute favourite song?
ahahahahaha, NO.
I don’t have favourites, ‘specially when it comes to this brilliant work of genius because it’s all! so! good! but a few of my special ones are:
Congratulations [this may actually be my favourite, lol, why’d they hav’ta pull it? :/]
Schuyler Sisters
Dear Theodosia [the fEELS THOUGH]
The Story of Tonight
Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story
You’ll Be Back [cracks me up every time]

4.) Music wise, which is better, Act I or Act II?
THEY BOTH HAVE AWESOME SONGS I CAN’T DECIDE!!! I think it may be Act 1 though…but it’s hard. 

5.) What’s your dream role?
Philip. Or Angelica. Or Peggy. But it’s not like I’m ever going to audition or get a part or anything…ha I’m satisfied just listening to the songs rn [jk, i’ll never be satisfied] 😆

6.)  What’s your favorite quote?
so many. oh so many. here, i’ll throw a few at you:

I know my sister like I know my own mind
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind

Raise a glass to freedom
Something they can never take away
No matter what they tell you

And no, don’t change the subject
Cuz you’re my favorite subject

Why do you write like you’re running out of time?
Write day and night like you’re running out of time?

For once in your life, take a stand with pride
I don’t understand how you stand to the side

There are moments that the words don’t reach
There is suffering too terrible to name

Legacy. What is a legacy?
It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see

And when my time is up
Have I done enough?
Will they tell my story?

Death doesn’t discriminate
Between the sinners
And the saints
It takes and it takes and it takes
And we keep living anyway
We rise and we fall
And we break
And we make our mistakes
And if there’s a reason I’m still alive
When everyone who loves me has died
I’m willing to wait for it

Call me son one more time—

7.)  Describe what Hamilton means to you using only 3 words.
Brilliant. Powerful. Painful.

8.) Who do you consider your “Hamilton Buddy?” (Someone who you can ramble, fangirl, or sing Hamilton with)
Don’t got none, so if you love Hamilton and wanna be my friend, just message me, yo!

9.) How has Hamilton impacted your life?
How has it not? But actually—and you’re going to hear this over and over again from me—the lyrics. ‘Nuff said, but I’m going to keep typing. There are a few lines that have just penetrated and burned themselves into my mind. Words that have inspired me, made me cried, and seen me rolling on the floor laughing. It motivates me to write more, to live porously, and to make something beautiful out of otherwise unknown things. 

10.) What is the best thing about Hamilton?
How Lin managed to tell a story about history through rap and hip-hop and complex melodies it’s insane
I’m not an American, so I’ve never actually studied U.S history, but Hamilton has given me just a little peek into the amazing background between that country.
The best part are the lyrics though—each one has rocked me, and there are so many hilarious, deep, and profound lyrics that have stuck with me. It’s a masterpiece. 

I tag anyone who wants to have a lil fun with this 😉

and now here i am, wishing Broadway wasn’t so expensive and so far away 😑



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