
genesis |ˈjenəsis
noun [ in sing. ] an origin, creation, or beginning: this tale had its genesis in fireside stories.

hello there! welcome to my blog, where you can find a few of my poems, stories, and ramblings, i hope you enjoy your stay ^~^ 
here you can see several writings of mine, meet my oc’s, and see a lot of lists because….i love lists. a lot. anywho, i am writing a few things at the moment, which includes (but is not limited to):

-a book. An untitled book that I am in the middle of and have shed several tears over. it is still untitled, but i hope to change that soon...well see
-a series of short stories that has no plot, but a lot of experimentation. this is where you can meet my oc's
-random jazz; rants; good vibes
-poems and poetic-like writing

be warned: it is random, a lot of times it doesn’t make sense, a lot, lot of times I can’t stand the sight of it, and there are a few special times when I’m really proud of myself for creating something beautiful. it’s a struggle, trust me. 

feel free to take a look around, stalk me (but not really. dude, that’s creepy), and let me know what you think!



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