newsies news

ha, let’s jump right into this because w r intros? i can never write them,
sO HeRE yOU gO

-katherine is legit relatable writer problems
“write what you know, so they say, all I know is I don’t know what to write, or the right way to write it… Poor little kids versus rich greedy sourpusses, ha! It’s a cinch! It could practically write itself. And let’s pray it does, cause as I may have mentioned I have no clue what I’m doing!… Give me some time, I’ll be twice as good as that six months from never”
that’s me
-crutchie is such a gem, like he calls wiesel by his proper name instead of weasel because he is RESPECTFUL AND LOVELY AND BAM

-it just made me want to be a part of that something that is so full of raw talent and cute boys! singing! and acting! about real life history! 

-the way jeremy jordan can put so much depth and emotion into santa fe, it gives me goosebumps every time. his gestures and body language conveys so much more than just his voice, and the whole thing together is chilling 

-and davey is such a pal, he knows how to kick jack into gear and he’s got the greatest lines and he’s trying to support his family and keep his brother right (also ben fankauser is…well…you know, kinda rad ;) 

-jack’s voice cracks though

-also the sets, and the moving scaffold thingy, and the theatre, so cool

-have you ever noticed that my inner grammar nazi just goes away when i write rants like this? like none of it even makes coherent sense i just don’t get myself sometimes

-the new york accent. like, it is so great. i just want to have it. this:
like wow, my jam is on

-also the fact that jack is a painter is rad 

-and katherine’s off changing the world by being a female journalist, you go girl 

-if there’s one word that really summarizes this musical it would be empowerment. not only because i felt empowered after watching it (bc it’s so inspiring and it’s a true story and all that), but because those boys literally helped each other to get right treatment and decent pay and all that. basically if the world doesn’t give you anything you don’t just give up on it, you gotta fight back, and they did, and they won, and i’m a proud lil mama 

-just the freaking talent. i am literally watching a bunch of crazy boys flip around on a stage but it’s amazing 

-everything about brooklyn tbh. spot is a rabid ballerina and i love him so much 

-literally everything about jack is an accident. it’s a wonder he survived til the end of the show and stole  katherine’s heart 

-but i still love him 

-and is there anything better than this time period btw? nO THAT’S RIGHT THERE ISN’T

-when i grow up i want to be alan menken, he’s my spirit animal. legit though, i’m only listening to musicals atm :3 and he’s written every. single. one of them. such talent. 

-that’s all she wrote boyz. this musical is on netflix atm, so go watch it if you haven’t and die and then come tell me about it, k? k.  

thanks for reading this mess, i swear nothing i write is coherent or great or anything but whatever, lol
you guys rock, thanks for sticking with me :*



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